I like driving in my car – not

I used to enjoy driving back when I first started, and for many years afterwards, but these days it’s such a fucking chore what with all the useless twats on the road that seem to be multiplying faster than an MP’s expense claim, and with all the totally useless tax raising ‘speed scamera’s’.
I drive about 600 km per week now in Holland and get to see more than enough annoying bastards on the road, so lets list the main offenders, in no particular order: Continue reading


Autumn cleaning

I had a bit of a clean up on here, got rid of the jokes and some other shit; I don’t really want this to be a collection of rubbish found on the internet that everyone has already seen, I want it to be a collection of my own rubbish that no one has seen yet.

I am in a ranty mood (well, nothing new really), and feel a rant about driving coming up, watch this space.